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Poppy was born on March 11, 2024. She is a petite/mini size goldendoodle that has a red abstract wavy coat. Poppy’s personality is very sweet, playful, outgoing and loves to be held.

What is the Guardian Program?

Because I want my breeding dogs to have wonderful homes just like our puppies, I offer a guardianship program.

Guardian dogs are placed with loving families free-of-charge so they can have normal, happy home lives while still providing me with beautiful puppies. After their breeding contracts are up, the dogs are spayed/neutered and retired to continue living their lives with their forever families, no longer just guardians.

Guardian homes cannot be further away than a one hour drive from Scottsdale/Cave Creek area.

The Guardian Process

I interview potential guardians first by phone and then personally either in my home or theirs. Once a family is accepted into the program, a puppy I choose for breeding is given to them to raise.

My females are usually bred once per year and retired when they are between 5-6 years old. My males I use a lot more often than the females for obvious reasons. And they are retired like the females around 5-6 years of age.

Once pregnant, all female dogs will be returned to Breeder 1 week before due date for whelping (birthing). The female will remain with the me for 5-6 weeks while the puppies are nursed and finally weaned. The guardian family is welcomed to come visit during the weeks that ‘momma’ is with me. Or the guardian may opt to keep momma and pups for an agreed upon time span.

All food, grooming, general care, and veterinary expenses are the responsibility of the guardian. Any expenses related to the breeding and pregnancies of the guardian dogs are the responsibility of Breeder, including additional food and supplies the guardian requires during the pregnancy or after if momma and pups remain with her family.

a blond child hugging a light wavy haired Goldendoodle puppy